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Musings of a startup junkie and Ruby on Rails nerd.
Rails 6, Webpacker, and the Cocoon gem
A straightforward way to use the Cocoon gem in your Rails 6 project, using Webpacker.
Rails 6, Webpacker, and jQuery
Quickly add jQuery to your Rails 6 application using Webpacker
Importing Heroku PostgreSQL to localhost
Importing a Heroku PostgreSQL database to your local machine, quickly and easily.
Easily Add An Instagram Feed To Jekyll
How to easily add an Instagram feed to your Jekyll site, while avoiding the gotchas.
Imagemagick On Heroku-16
I recently encountered some strange memory issues after upgrading to Heroku-16. I was a little surprised at what I found regarding Imagemagick on Heroku.
Jekyll Presentation at Ruby AZ
A presentation on the Jekyll static site generator from a recent Phoenix Ruby meetup.
How Twitter replaced my RSS reader
Twitter has become a fast growing communication platform. Can we use it as a replacement for an RSS reader?
Say hello to the new Phoenix OpenCoffee Club
The new Phoenix OpenCoffee Club website enables community members to ask questions, submit posts and keep up on news and events.
Arizona's First Ruby Conference - SunnyConf 2010
SunnyConf 2010 is Arizona's first Ruby conference. With a great lineup of speakers, lightning talks and hacking, you won't want to miss it!
IE tries to be helpful when using JavaScript to set the href attribute
When using JavaScript to set the href attribute of an anchor tag, IE sometimes updates the inner HTML. Why does this happen and what are some solutions?
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